
Sénégal visa

Having to get a visa to Sénégal takes all the fun out of traveling.
We are here to get it back. Just apply online below and let us do the rest

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Short-term travel visas
Long-term visas & Immigration

Types de visas pour le Sénégal

Si vous prévoyez un voyage au Sénégal et que vous ne venez pas d'un pays exempté de visa, vous devez faire une demande de visa. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les différents types de visas disponibles pour les visiteurs.

Faites votre demande en ligne
Envoyez vos documents par voie postale
Recevoir un visa
Expert en services de visas depuis Sénégal 2003, VisaHQ est une agence de visa privée, non affiliée au gouvernement de Sénégal. VisaHQ fournit des services accélérés de visa à Sénégal et facture des frais de service. Pour mieux comprendre les avantages de VisaHQ, visionnez cette video de 90 secondes Vidéo 
  • n
    Visa touristique
    non requis
  • n
    Visa d'affaires
    non requis
Un visa is n'est pas nécessaire pour cette destination.

Un visa n'est pas nécessaire pour un séjour de moins de 90 jours.

Un visa n'est pas nécessaire pour un séjour de moins de 90 jours.

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    Malheureusement, VisaHQ ne fournit actuellement pas ce service pour

    Un visa is n'est pas nécessaire pour cette destination.

    Un visa is n'est pas nécessaire pour cette destination.

    Parfait! De quelles autres informations ai-je dont besoin pour voyager en Sénégal?
    • Premièrement, vérifiez la validité de votre passeport.

    • Deuxièmement, assurez-vous que votre passeport comporte au moins 2 pages juxtaposées vierges réservées aux visas.

    • Confirmez si vous avez besoin d'un visa de transit pour une de vos escales.

      Vérifiez auprès de votre compagnie aérienne si vous avez des escales à l'étranger lors de votre voyage en Sénégal. Il est possible que vous ayez besoin d'un visa de transit pour traverser le(s) dit pays. Pour chaque pays spécifique, merci de vérifier les conditions requises à l'obtention d'un visa pour le pays spécifique
    Information additionnelle
      • Check visa

      Senegal Visa Policy

      All visitors traveling to Senegal must hold visas unless they are citizens of any of the visa-free countries. Visitors are required to hold a passport with a minimum of 6 months validity from their arrival date. With a passport that meets the required conditions, they will be allowed into Senegal if they are refugees.

      Senegal Visa Exemption

      Senegal has a visa exemption list containing more than 60 countries whose citizens can visit without the need for visas. These visitors can stay in the West African country for up to 90 days, while holders of Chinese Public Affairs passports can start in Senegal visa-free for up to 30 days.

      Senegal also offers visa-free entry to United Nation's Laissez Passer documents holders or a Laissez-Passer issued by Ecowas.

      The visa waiver list is dominated by fellow West African countries that are members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). ECOWAS citizens enjoy free entry and exit in the region as they can pursue their interests in a member state for up to 90 days, provided they have valid passports issued by their home governments.

      Holders of diplomatic passports in some countries like Turkey, China, and Algeria do not require visas to enter Senegal.

      Senegal Visa On Arrival

      Senegal has a visa Arrival Scheme for citizens from selected countries who can stay in the country for up to 1 month. This visa is issued at the arrival point to visitors with eligible passports, proof of accommodation, and round-trip air tickets.

      How To Apply For A Senegalese Visa?

      If you want to apply for a Senegalese Visa, you must submit your documents and completed application form to a foreign mission office abroad. This process takes a few weeks, but you can only make the trip after receiving the visa.

      Senegal Visa Information And Travel Tips

      As you prepare for your trip to Senegal, you should remember that the country is mostly Muslim. Despite a significant segment of the population having tolerance for other religious backgrounds and cultural practices, the people are still conservative by nature. Here are some travel tips to keep in mind.

      Dressing: The dressing practices in Senegal are largely modest. Locals and foreigners alike, including women, are required to dress conservatively. Women should avoid wearing short shirts and skirts, while men should not wear shorts. These dresses are termed provocative and may offend the public. Drunkenness in public is also frowned upon.

      Photography: It is not Illegal to use a camera in Senegal, but some installations and locations are out of bounds. You are not allowed to take pictures of government buildings, embassies, military installations, or any public institution. The locals frown at strangers taking their pictures without consent.

      The Use of Drones: It is not illegal to use drones in Senegal, but they can't be flown over government facilities and military installations. Before setting up and launching your drone in Senegal, ask people around or staff if this is allowed. Also, make sure your drone is noiseless and draws no attention.

      Carry Identification: Always carry a valid ID card when you leave your home or hotel room, as you never know when you will need it. This document identifies you so you don't arouse suspicion because you need to identify yourself properly.

      Tough Drug Laws: Drug trafficking is a serious crime in Senegal, and offenders are handed serious jail sentences. Trafficking, consuming, or marketing illegal drugs in Senegal is a huge crime. Avoid drugs throughout your stay in the West African country.

      Anti-LGBT Laws: Senegal is an anti-LGBT country where same-sex relationships are discouraged. Under the Article 319 penal code, the law classifies such unnatural acts as punishable by as much as five years in jail or fines worth several thousands of dollars. Gay people are advised to stay away from Senegal.

      Passport: Your passport must meet the six months validity; otherwise, it will be rejected. Validity is calculated from the arrival date, not the date the visitor applies for the visa. Also, note that the visa expires if the passport it is attached to also expires.

      Application Fee: The embassy will demand an application fee to process your documents. This fee will be requested before or when you submit your application and is not refundable. It is not guaranteed that the visa will be given to you after payment. 

      Application fees are not for visa purchases, as visas cannot be bought; they are for document processing.

      Duration: The duration of stay varies from visa to visa, and even the holders of the same visa may have different duration. Be clear about how many days, weeks, or months you are allowed to stay in the country so you don't break the immigration law by overstaying on an expired visa. Violators will be fined at the exit point before they can leave the country.

      Approved Routes: Visitors can only travel in and out of Senegal through approved routes. 

      Most border entries are unsafe, and trackers may be at risk of insurgents. Legal borders approved for travel are manned by security personnel. Use these routes for your safety.

      Confirmed flight ticket: As a transit visitor, you must obtain your flight ticket for your next destination before your plane lands in Senegal. The immigration officers will request it, which must have matching departure dates shown on your visa.

      Senegal e-Visa Online – Get your Senegal e-Visa with VisaHQ

      Are you planning a trip to Senegal in the coming weeks or months? This is the perfect time to get all the facts and details about Senegal's immigration and visa policy for visitors, and we have all the updated information you will ever need.

      Restrictions de voyage COVID-19 Sénégal

      • Entry is open
        Le Sénégal a ouvert ses frontières aériennes et terrestres.
        Exigences préalables à l'arrivée
        Passeport valide. Passeport national valide avec une validité d'au moins 6 mois après la date de départ.
        Visa valide. Veuillez consulter les instructions ci-dessus si un visa est nécessaire et faire une demande.
        Restrictions à l'arrivée
        😷 Les masques sont obligatoires dans les espaces publics. Les masques sont obligatoires dans les transports en commun.

      Trouvez-nous près de chez vous

      Pour appliquez pour Sénégal visa en
      • Washington, DC
        VisaHQ.com Inc.
        1701 Rhode Island Ave NW
        Washington, DC 20036
        Horaires de service
        Pour les appels: Lu-Ve, 8h30 - 20h30 HE
        Pour les visites: Lun-ven, 8h30 - 17h30 HE

      Foire aux questions sur le visa Sénégal

          Liste des ambassade de Sénégal en United States of America

          Sénégal Douanes

          Réglementations en matière d'importation Réglementations en matière d'exportation Santé et Sécurité Contact Customs Authorities
              Sénégal coordonnées de la douane
              Pour obtenir de l'aide, veuillez contacter directement les autorités douanières du Sénégal. Elles vous fourniront les dernières informations sur les réglementations douanières et les procédures d’import-export.

              • Téléphone

              Pour plus d'informations sur les restrictions de voyage, les avertissements de sécurité, les mises à jour politiques et les consignes de base relatives aux voyages, veuillez contacter l'ambassade Sénégal la plus proche.


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